The next two weeks are a blur of events at school, tennis, guitar lessons, the 100th day of school and 3 birthday parties so Mini K and I did her valentine's for her classmates tonight.
We spent a few hours looking at options online, her exact quote was "let's just google it mom", and as soon as she saw the shovel idea her mind was set....with one exception...the shovels HAD to be PINK. Let's just say, the search for 24 pink shovels took its own google time, but in the end I found a store that allows you to pick the colors you want so you don't have to order multi-color packs. Thank goodness I found Giant Party Store or I would have ended up with 100 extra shovels in order to get the pink ones!

While we waited for the shovels to arrive, we picked up some pink and red striped cello bags in the dollar section of Target, more than a few bags of plain Valentine M & M's and raided the ribbon closet for some red ribbon. We added custom tags that say: I dig you! Love, Mini K and we were ready to assemble!

We filled each bag with enough M & M's to "fill" the shovel, tied the cello bag, then tied it to the shovel and attached the hang tag. We will curl the red ribbon the night before. Here's a tip, if you will store the items in a place with dry heat (note our lovely radiator heat), curling ribbon loses its curl.
Our shovels are organized in a plastic bin in the pantry ready and waiting for us to pull them out and take them to school!
I thought I would post this early in case any of you are looking for a fun Valentine's Day project to do with your minnies. Giant Party Store had our order shipped 12 hours after I ordered it and it was on our doorstep 3 days later so you still have time!