1. I will cook more (this one may change if Mr. G and Mini K refuse to eat what cook!)
2. Go to Crossfit at least 3 times a week.
3. Pick a half marathon to sign up for in 2011 and train. I used to do this on a regular basis and I miss it.
I must admit it feels so good to have all of the dates in our family calendar, our winter break vacation planned including dinner reservations, spring shopping lists done, our Christmas card list updated, Mini K's 4th birthday party planned (Marie...I couldn't have done it without you!) and I promise a separate post on that one and Henley on the Horn I hope your listing....all of my items photographed for ebay so all I have to do is list them, which will start a week from tomorrow. The grand finale to this list is Grove Gal E and I are dropping off PGG's 2009 taxes with the accountant on Wendesday...YES business taxes are done, or at least our part...I always feel a HUGE sense of relief when I drop the taxes off, the feeling is NOT the same when I write the IRS a check, but I am enjoying the positive!
I must say we are THRILLED with the way our litle business did in 2009 and we cannot thank all of our amazing clients enough! We look forward to working with all of you in 2010 and have so many surprises in store.
In honor of kicking off the new year in organized, preppy style we are going to start it with a giveaway. Just leave a comment with your best tool to get or stay organized and we will pick a winner next Sunday for a 2010 Lilly Pulitzer 2010 large agenda.

And I keep meaning to ask this, for our D.C. area readers, where can Grove Gal E and I get an OPI Axxium Manicure? I think I have to try one to believe that I can actually go 2 weeks without a chip!
Oooo! I can't WAIT for your ebay listings! Email me at ahp5@aol.com with your ebay seller name! I do have this fabulous 2010 agenda, but I'd love to win one for a gift or something! Happy 2010! Oh, and to stay organized, I plan all of our meals for the week and then shop in advance so that I have exactly what we need. If I do this, then I have no excuse not to cook. Believe me, I am good at excuses!
great resolutions! I am loving that planner! My BB calender is all I use right now. Good luck all! XOXO
I, too, love the feeling of being organized. We're planning my daughter's wedding this year, so this is more than I have ever dealt with. Whew. Thank goodness for planners and three-ring binders {pink, of course}. Have a great week! xoxo
If you find out where to get the manicure please let me know!
I stay organized by making millions of lists. It helps when my paper is pretty and I have a nice pen :)
I want to win the Lilly agenda so bad!!!
I'm a list maker for everything. I have a large spiral notebook I keep on my desk that has my to-do list. I also keep a small spiral in my purse that has daily errands, grocery lists, etc. To keep everyone on schedule, I leave a list each morning on the island in the kitchen of the current days activities.
I have the same planner and LOVE it!
I love starting the year with a new planner and looking abck at the old year and all that I accomplished! Great goals! here is to 2010!
Hooray! My best tools for staying organized are pink highlighters, Lilly file folders and notebooks. The pink is for motivation!
I keep a daily "To Do List" and cross off tasks as I accomplish them. That helps to keep me organized and motivated.
Happy New Year! I have finally gotten our dates on the family calendar and in my pocket calendar - I bought the Lilly one. LOVE IT! All the best to you in 2010.
i'm all about being organized. love the planner!
Love that Lilly planner. I use a Louis Vuitton, but usually end up with endless lists inside my pocketbook...with dates, appointments, etc. Happy New Year to you!
I'm a big list girl. I usually keep them in my small Lilly notebook but I've started to go high tech (at least for me!) and am now putting more of my to dos in my iPhone. Will you please let me know if you find a salon that does the Axxium mani? I've been looking for some place in DC or NOVA (I live in Falls Church). Hope you're having a good weekend!
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