If you have seen a brunette practically move into a Benjamin Moore paint store this week, it is me! I am trying to find a color that is a mix of khaki and lavender or a lavender that is not girly (Mr. G's description, not mine). I insist on Benjamin Moore paint, because when it meet Mini K's hands and whatever they seem to be holding it all goes away with the Magic Eraser by Mr. Clean. I think we have tested it on every stain except sharpies and they are my worst nightmare!
So we started the week out with Benjamin Moore for Pottery Barn Lily Lavender.
The result: Barney is now residing on a 1foot by 2foot portion of a wall.

So then I tried Elephant Grey.
The result: Mr. G summed this one up pretty nicely...it looks like the Republican party after the 2008 elections...once grey and polished now bruised and battered. Seriously it looks like my wall picked a fistfight...and lost!
Looks like another trip to the paint store is in my future. The room might look like a collage by the time I find the perfect color. If anyone has any suggestions PLEASE let me know. On that note, keep the organizational tips coming, because my productivity has taken a hit due to my paint store trips this week.
Tomorrow I also get to pick up the final item for our family room: the new slipcover for the sofa. I cannot wait to see the room complete, but I am always afraid when I put on a new cover...I know it will get wrinkled, and dirty and need to be clean, but that first moment is like climbing into bed the night the housekeeper comes and puts on new sheets. Am I the only one who thinks my bed is better with new sheets and tight corners? Elma had a trick to making my bed that I just cannot copy.

And last, but not least, I have to plan the menu for Mini K's Donut Cinema 4th Birthday Party. We have rented out a theater that is also a bar (do NOT judge, the party is at 9:30am), the bloodys are for the parents, the kiddos will be drunk on orange juice and sugar! I promise all details in a future post.
I will be drawing for the agenda tomorrow night so share your organizational tip before tomorrow night!
I too will only use Benjamin Moore paint. I will be spending lots of time choosing paint colors in the coming weeks because my goal for 2010 is to get the rest of the rooms in the house painted. We moved in here 2005 and the builder paint sucks! We have done the kitchen/morning room, foyer/staircase, and living room. We (or I should say dh) have our work cut out for us as that is a lot of painting to do! First and foremost I must choose all the colors.
The bday party sounds fun (and I am totally down with the bloodys!) Can't wait to read the deets on it.
Oh I agree about Benjamin Moore paint!
B'day party sounds fun!
Party sounds like a blast! Cinema & Drafthouse? Only Ben Moore for me. Just remodeled the Kitchen and Great Room and used BM. They are the best colors and best quality plus they have those cute sample jars!
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