I can now focus on tomorrow. One of my dearest friends from college is coming to town, and tomorrow is her birthday! We are so excited to spend the weekend with her and her husband. I know she won't read this before she arrives in D.C. so she won't know that I am preparing a basket to leave at her hotel of all of her favorite D.C. items that she cannot get in Pittsburgh!

This Colossal Happy Birthday Cupcake from Crumbs being one of them!
On Saturday, Grove Gal E and I will be making our first of many trips to Nectar Skin Bar. Nectar has its Grand Opening on Saturday and is owned by a friend of ours. I think we are still in shock that he is opening a skin bar, but we couldn't be happier for him. You don't really have to twist our arms to purchase makeup, lotion and other goodies. If you live in D.C., or are planning to visit, please put Nectar Skin Bar on your shopping list!
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