Photo: www.flora2000.com
Happy Easter!
Today we are celebrating our first Easter as a family of 4! We now a blue monorammed basket to go with Mini K's pink one!
We are joining friends for brunch after mass this morning and I promise to post photos of the minnies in their monogrammed outfits!
Mini K woke up screaming we should go outside and see if we could see Jesus in the air, because he is all around us. I love that her first thought was the meaning of this day and not the candy. The candy was the second thing she asked for...for breakfast nonetheless!
I hop eall of you are with family and friends and am so blessed to have met so many new friends through this blog and my business!
Have a very. very happy Easter.
What a sweet, 'teachable' moment that you were able to have this AM with the Mini K. Very cute!
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