Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Imperfections & Explanations

You can obviously tell it has been awhile since I have blogged. I started this blog to promote PGG, connect with our clients and have a little fun. Since then, I have "met" so many wonderful and amazing women that I now call friends.

I also know that blogworld at times to appear to be some utopia with daily new clothes, perfectly behaved children and no worries. I saw this blog as a creative outlet, but we are all friends here, the "perfect" no problem life walked right on by me. That is a statement, not a complaint. I would not on any given day change a thing. Well that's not true, I wished that pain was NEVER inflicted on the people I love.

I have been hesitant to blog about this, but have decided if it helps someone it is worth it. My super healthy, extremely active mother collapsed Sunday. She has survived cancer, twice, but this is the weakest I have ever heard her. We are waiting on the final tests results from the Mayo Clinic, but her doctor's are pretty sure she has West Nile Virus. She doesn't live in a jungle, or a swamp, and unless you consider eating at Highland Park Village, Northpark Mall or Central Market places where you can catch West Nile, you are as stumped as we all are.

She is alert, still trying to be the mom, and from all accounts sounds like normal...she just cannot move her left leg. Let me tell you, for a woman as active as my mom, that is pure torture. I wish I could be there, but both my mom and her doctor's have said no until we know exactly what it is due to Mini K's compromised immune system. SO we all wait. These past two days have seemed like eternity.

I just hung up with her and thought, whatever, I am going to blog about this, because like Mini K's temper tantrums, my weekly cooking disasters, countless unfinished to do items and the constant struggle to cram as much as possible into a day this is my imperfect life. It is mine and for those of you that know me...wait for it....IT IS WHAT IT IS.

I have heard this phrase from the fabulous woman who now sits in a hospital bed, but with her own special twist:

It is what it is, embrace it and move forward, because God is in the pilot seat and you are not in charge.

This phrase could not be more true. Tonight I will send off a few proofs to clients, give Mini K an extra kiss goodnight and pray for mother's speedy and complete recovery. Everything else is out of my hands.

I think sometimes the hardest lesson we learn as women, daughters, friends or mothers is to focus our energy on the things we can control and good or bad embrace everything else.

I know this will attract the negative comments, bring them on, I will publish them, because life is not always perfect and if you try to make look perfect you are wasting time that you could be spending on friends and family. I seriously doubt anyone looks back on life and wishes they had purchased one more outfit, but an extra hug from a loved one is PRICELESS.

I am off to bed to dream happy thoughts and am hoping to wake up tomorrow to good news from mother's doctors and a better day.


kp said...

Hi Grove Gal K,
So sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she has a speedy recovery. West Nile Virus! So crazy. One of my best friends got Lyme disease from sitting on bleachers in Newport while her daughter played tennis! I guess you never know. Thinking of you and hope your week gets better! :) kp

Blackeyed Susan said...

You are an amazing woman and things will look up soon, sending prayers your way.

Ruby's Fairy Godmother said...

Bless your heart! The struggle of being in the middle...a mother and a daughter, feeling like you need to be in both places and can't possibly be. I am so glad you felt you could blog about this and give others the opportunty to pray for you and your Mother. With that said, I am in your Mother's neighborhood. I would be more than happy to check on her and see if there is anything I can do to help make her more comfortable, or just be a visitor. Please feel free to email me at my personal email (and I ask that you not publish my email address) neho110@aol.com. Again, I would be delighted to help in anyway I can.

Anonymous said...

your poor momma! I hope she gets better real soon!! sending you warm thoughts and hugs! = )

Monogram Momma said...

Oh no, K, I am so sorry to hear all this. I can't imagine how stressed out you have been, especially not being able to fly home to be with her. Call me whenever you feel up to or if you just want to vent. I am so, so, sorry. I am praying for a speedy recovery and that you'll be able to go see her to give her that hug very soon. xo

Imjustagirl said...

WOW! I my heart is aching for you during this time of uncertainty. As like many others I have eaten at those places and or have family members who frequent them. Dallas is far from a jungle or a third world country. I will pray for you and your family to find answers a protocol so the that your mother walks out of that hospital and hope and strength to carry you through these tough times.

Loving Life said...

Hope your mom has a quick recovery!!

a. said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I hope you get some good news and she has a speedy recovery. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Life isn't all about LV bags and J.Crew clothes.


J said...

I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking of you and your mom.

Sandra said...

So hope you get good news today. Will def. be thinking about you and yours! yes, those extra hugs and kisses are ALL that matters in the big picture of life.

You don't have to tell me about imperfections ;-) I, too, do not live one of those perfect lives - never have and never will. But I love my life! May not love all the "parts" of it, but I love the "whole".

I also understand how hard it is to realize we cannot control everything and cannot "fix" everything. Such a source of frustration for us women of the world. You are so wise at such a young age. It took me longer to figure all of this out! ;-) {hugs} xoxo

The Klick Adventures said...

How stressful and scary! We'll add you and your mom to our prayer list too. Encourage God's piloting to a positive direction!

Muffy said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

I'm so very sorry about your mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you & your family.

Jackie said...

Oh my. I hope your mom is okay and has a speedy recovery.
You have tons of prayers coming your way!

Unknown said...

I admire your outlook! I hope your mom has a speedy recovery, but all you can do is pray for the best. And since she's at Mayo Clinic, she definitely has some of the best doctors!

Maureen said...

Sending special prayers for your mom. "Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how big your God is."

Take good care,

Alice said...

I'm truly sorry about your mother
here's to wishing her a speeding recovery!

Landlocked Mermaid said...

WHy would this ever attract negative comments? it is soo true. I focus on the things that I can't control way too much .And i thank you for this little reminder . I needed it today.In the meantime I will say a prayer for your mom. I know she will be ok but it is so hard to be away. keep us posted, Hugs xo

ms. mindless said...

I hope things are going well for you and your family and I am praying for you!

Kate said...

Keeping your mom in my thoughts!