I have mentioned that Grove Gal E and I have been working on a new line. Well we are excited to tell you that today is the day! Pineapple Grove Gifts is so excited to announce that we will be designing and manufacturing our own exclusive line of silicone smartphone and ipad covers!
When the Grove started we had two simple goals:
1. to help busy people give a gift that they would be proud to receive...some of you purchase on our website, some of you leave us voicemails at midnight and have a gift wrapped and in your hands by 9am the next day and some of you we have never met, but feel like we know everyone on your list after our email shopping dates!
2. have fun
What better way than to kick off our new line than by sharing it with all of you! For every 250 fans we get on Facebook we will be giving away a iPad or smartphone cover of your choice! So if you haven't "liked" us on Facebook, please do so, and if you repost our site on your Facebook page we will enter you twice! You can find us HERE.
Well somewhere along the way we realized that we were searching for things and coming up empty handed. I know my blog posts have been spotty this summer, but I am proud to show you what we have been working on! Both of us noticed that while we love our printed monogrammed hard phone cases, they tended to skip across the hard floor when dropped like stones on water. Mini K and Baby C are keeping Apple's glass replacement center in business! I noticed that my day job blackberry, in its boring PLAIN case never skidded.

So we got to work and we hope you love our new products as much as we do! Smartphones covers that have your own style but can go from the the boardroom to your handbag and anywhere in between! We also have designs for the men in your life so get your gift lists out. They make a statment while keeping the focus on you! Our silicone cases are designed to fit iphones and blackberries and our ipad cases will still allow your ipad to slide into our neoprene ipad cases. We know there has been talk on twitter about the prints on certain brands rubbing off. That will not happen with our cases as the design is ENGRAVED into the silicone.
Our smartphone cases fit the following models:
Bold 9000
Tour 9630
Curve 8300
Curve 8900
All models can be engraved in your choice of fonts:

Our iPad cases, custom designed to fit the iPad 1st of 2nd Generation
You can shop our entire collection HERE or email us at grovegifts@gmail.com to order!
We hope you like these as much as we do!
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