Tuesday, July 19, 2011

dog days of summer....or their impending arrival have kept me away. this summer has flown by and I catch myself thinking no one on their deathbed says they wished their life would have gone by faster. so I have spent the past couple of weeks being amazed and in awe of my kids: each new days is an opportunity, setbacks are temporary and laughter, popsicles and smiles are abundant. other than that my time has gone to processor orders, my day job and my new early morning runs. I will confess I also wondered if this blog had any value...what I realized is it has value to me...it helps keep me grounded and to be honest forces me to see all sides..the good, bad and all of the insanity of being a wife, mom, business owner, shopper and friends. it isn't always pretty, but I give it my all. tomorrow I will tackle the back stock room so get ready for some 50% off deals!

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