The weekend was a blur of teas, shopping and yummy food. We surprised Mini K with the Eloise tea at the Palm Court with her friend Mere from school. As you can see the two of them enjoyed themselves!
The train home on Sunday came super fast and we are back in the holiday and birthday rush! Grove Gal E was so sweet to deliver orders over the weekend so I could enjoy the trip with Mini K. I was in line at Staples to see my favorite UPS lady by 8:15am on Monday morning to ship out our family presents as well as 22 orders! (and yes A yours was one of the boxes!)
Mini K and grabbed a couple of stars off the Giving Tree at school and I made time to pick up some happies to add to our giftcard packages. (A couple of you have emailed or tweeted me and YES, tomorrow I am doing a post on how to package giftcards!)
Today was spent chasing down last minute orders and putting the finishing touches on our invite for Sunday's SANTA SALE! Check out our Facebook page (and "Like" us if you haven't already!) as this Sunday we are having a HUGE SALE on all remaining in stock items and our favorite monogrammed totes can still be ordered and DELIVERED in time for Christmas if you are in the D.C. area. We have pink, navy, green and navy and white striped in stock and the totes are $50 each with a monogram.

I am going to spend the next few hours sewing a tulle table skirt for Mini K's Eloise party on Friday night and watching The Biggest Loser season finale. At the start of this year I promised myself I would find the balance and while its never going to be perfect, I also realize that I wasn't made to be anything but super busy....give me free time and I somehow end up behind, but give me a packed schedule and I somehow get it all done with the help of Starbucks and a few sleepless nights. The truth is, it's easy to stay up late if you LOVE what you are doing!
Good for you! I love being busy too. Love the tote and Mini K is too cute but growing too fast.
What an adorable picture. Sounds like a wonderful time. I really want to do the Eloise tea too. (I don't care how old I am.) I'm hoping to convince one of my friends to go with me this summer.
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