I have to apologize...I meant to do this post on Wednesday, and then I remembered we had to do Easter baskets for Mini K's class. Thursday, that would be the last minute client dinner and yesterday , well Baby C had his 1 year shots, Mini K had a haircut and a sleepover...so now it's Saturday!
You all know when I find a fab find I share it. Since I am not a fan of cake (it's a texture thing!), I always try to have a dessert alternative at parties. Sugar cookies have always been my go to, but it is really a challenge to find a cookie that looks great and tastes good. I have ordered from a lot of the cookie experts that are mentioned in blog world and on twitter and while the cookies look amazing, the taste of fondant or a crsip cookie have left me looking for other options.
I braved ordering food from etsy last year and wasn't exactly thrilled with my caramel purchase, but I decided to give another store a try.
For Baby C's party I ordered sock monkey and number 1 cookies from Batches. The cookies were adorable and the icing was a cross between royal icing and a buttercream. The cookie was thick, but had the taste of a butter cookie not crunchy.
Those of you that follow me on twitter know that I gave up flour for Lent so I didn't have a cookie at Baby C's party. I did save one and ate it yesterday (after 3pm so Lent was technically over!) and guess what, the cookie was still fresh and chewy, the icing didn't crunch...a week after they arrived.
The team at Batches were great to work with, their prices are a bargain compared to other bakeries and the cookies arrived in tact and package with a lot of care.
How cure would Hello Kitty cookies be for a sleepover, or monogrammed cookies for a birthday or shower? I also love sending something like this after I have been the guest at someone's home.
I will be ordering from them again, but wanted to share them with all of you in case you needed to place an order for your next event.
Mr. G liked the fact that they were delivered to our door, no parking or errand running needed!
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