And sometimes you are the bug! I never tire of the quote as it is so true. This week I have been the bug, but next week my goal is to be the windshield!
As many of you know I have a full time job,
PGG and now the 2 mini's..not to mention husband who travels a lot for work. I thought we were organized...and then Baby C arrived. So tonight Plan B launched. We had a desk, cubbie hutch type thing made for our kitchen while I was pregnant. I had thought it would help us keep everything in one place, but I still felt like we had things everywhere so I paid a visit to one of my favorite sites:
Pulp Products. After a couple of weeks and few nails we now have 2 bulletin boards, in a shade of Lilly green of course, to track our schedule. The bottom one if for Mini K to post her last accomplishment or creation and the top one is so we can stay organized and keep in touch with our real boss, Miss J, our SUPER nanny.

A complete sidebar, but for those of you that have seen SITC 2 you will know what I am talking about, I cannot imagine life without Miss J, and for those you SAHM's that read my you ever sleep?
I am by no means an expert, but here are a few things I do to stay on track:
1. I always have a small notebook with me...I keep my to do list in it (I love the feeling of crossing things off..just not the same on the iphone!), thank you's I need to write, gifts I need to send, etc
2. I pick a gift each season that is my go to for hostess gifts, thank you gifts, etc. My current favorite are Cupcakes In A Jar by
Yummy Cupcakes. A shippable cupcake that is oh so yummy.
Image from
3. At the start of each year I decide what gift we will give to each age group, etc. I know this sounds boring, but how many times have you stopped and thought, have I already given person xx, this gift? This way I am not giving the same people the same thing over and over. (I will post again tomorrow on this same topic..after you have picked yourself off the floor in shock from 2 posts in 2 days)
4. Always keep a list of the people you exchange gifts with at Christmas with can save you time and the dreaded last minute December shopping
5. Schedule your workouts like you schedule a meeting
And finally, the advice that only my mother could give...if God meant for you to finish your to-do list in one day, he wouldn't have invented the you would only need one sheet.
Speaking of my mom, I want to say thank you to all of you who continue to email/text and ask how she is doing. Her right leg has returned to almost normal and for the first time since she came with West Nile Virus she was able to move her left leg on her own this week. Her MRI"s have shown there is no permanent damage, so it is only a matter of time until her nerve and uscle function return. Thank you for all of the prayers and keep them coming