Yes, I know I have been an absent blogger, but I must confess I don't regret it for one second. I have spent the last 5 days with Mini K, going to the pool, the playground, walking preppy pup and getting ready for PRESCHOOL to start TOMORROW. Don't ask me why this seems like a bigger deal to me than kindergarten or first grade, but it does. Mr. Grove said something out of the blue and it struck a chord. After tomorrow, the only real first day of school change will be when she has her first day of college and is not in our house anymore. And before the catty remarks come rolling into the comments, let me just say this: I have learned something from my 3 year old minnie this summer that I am trying to take with me each and every day: THE BEST PART IS RIGHT NOW.
Today right now meant receiving several amazing surprises. One being my Prep For Fall Swap Package's arrival. I was lucky enough to have been partnered with the fabulous Miss Janice for this swap (thanks again for hosting Hopsy).
Miss Janice, thank you so much for everything. Don't you just love it when you open a package and your would have purchased every single item in it for yourself. Well that was me as I opened each and every pink and green wrapped package.
Here are a few pictures of my fabulous swap package:
Several of you have emailed and asked about my monogrammed sandals. I don't know that I am brave enough to post the exact count of the number I own on the blog. A girl must have some secrets, but SB Sandals, is having their annual sale and you can save $20 on your own monogrammed pair. I am telling you the hardest part will be selecting your colors.