Happy 80th Birthday Jackie O! This is one of my favorite photos of her. (I always try to give photo credit. This photo originally appeared in Time, according to a book I have on her, but google has a fashion blog cited!) I know many of you probably love the wedding photo or one of her more White House photos, but this photo to me captures her strength, her style and let's admit it, who doesn't want to look that amazing with 2 grown children???

There are days, when I cannot help but think of one of
my favorite books by Shelly Branch and Sue Callaway. If you don't have this book, well unless you are perfect you need it. Today was just not my day...after actually having the time to have lunch with my husband, I discovered:
1. my purse had been unzipped
2. my ENTIRE wallet taken
3. i was looking forward to seeing my favorite
Landlocked Mermaid, but #1 and #2 changed my previously scheduled plans
At this point I wanted to scream, did I mention I sent my passport off to finally change my name last week and I have to get on a plane Thursday? Now, if I was Jackie, well I like to think in her day, the kind of truly rude and tasteless people that steal, didn't frequent the restaurant I was at today, but times have changed.
I decided to try and make lemonade out of my lemons. I must confess the sweet tea vodka this evening made this a little easier. There were a few bright spots:
1. they caught the thief on tape...
2. i was reminded, yet again, why i love american express
3. my wallet only had $20
4. i can now purchase a new wallet
See, shopping and sweet tea vodka can solve many problems.

So tonight, after finishing what felt like phone calls to cancel, check on, or otherwise get over the stress of trying to remember everything that was in my wallet, I started looking for a new one and came across
Luxury Exchange. I feel that this is almost too good to be true. Luxury Exchange is a Hawaii consignment store that has a website. It looks legitimate, but I am not endorsing as I have never ordered from them. They sell Louis, Chanel, David Yurman, Hermes, you get the drill.

I used to have a
Louis Vuitton French Purse...I am not sure if I want to get another one.

Then there are a few tres chic
Gucci continental wallets.

And since today really is Jackie's day, I couldn't help but look at Gucci's new Jackie O collection. These two are my favorites...and yes I know that each of them probably cost more than some people's mortgage payment, but aren't they lovely???

The classic double G embossed leather...

And the more edgy army green distressed leather. It almost bridges the biker-preppy label. I know what a combination.
So tomorrow will be a new day, I am starting it with a workout, a visit to the doctor and then off to pick up a couple of wedding gifts and yes a wallet.
Anyone want to weigh in on the wallet selection?
Oh yes, and I must finish adding our new Lilly P products to the site...
And with that...it is time to turn off the lights and tuck myself in.